EdTheMix - Call us now on: +420 602 121164

Load-In Considerations for Touring PA Installations

When packed for transportation, a public address system consists of a lot of large heavy boxes, most of them on wheels. Although our our own main and monitor systems are compact, they are nevertheless awkward to lift and carry more than a short distance. If the only way to get equipment into the venue (yes, this has happened to us!) is up the fire escape, be aware that lugging a heavy amp rack up a wet fire escape is not just difficult, it is dangerous, and most professional crew (including our own) will - rightly - refuse to attempt it. Similarly, carrying a lot of large heavy boxes across a muddy field and then up four flights of stairs is not included in our standard charges. If access will be difficult we need to know about it before we arrive.

If the show is going to happen on time, we - and anyone else with heavy equipment - will need:

  Parking close to the entrance (preferably within a few feet of it).

  Same-level access (or ramped access, or a lift), so that all equipment can be wheeled.

If these facilities are not available, we can arrange to provide extra crew to help with loading (our standard charge is $100 + VAT per day for each crew member). Alternatively, you may wish to arrange for your own staff to be available for this (note, however, that if our engineer takes longer to get out - or can't get out at all - because the staff you said you would provide have gone home, there will be an additional charge for it).

Without assistance, assuming we can park within 10 metres of the stage, load-in should take about 20 minutes. Where there are obstacles (e.g. multiple doorways) or greater distances involved, it can take longer. If our vehicle cannot remain parked by the entrance, we will also need time to move and park it.

Please allow for this when arranging times for access, set-up, sound-check and performance.

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