Dismantling the PA After the Show

Take-down (also known as breakdown, also known as "striking", also known as de-rig) is much like set-up in reverse. It will usually take a little longer, however, as it generally takes less time to uncoil a cable than it does to disentangle it from a lot of other cables and coil it back up again.

Although we can usually start to clear the stage very soon after the performance has finished, the performers may need to clear their own equipment first. Similarly, we may be delayed in taking down equipment in the auditorium if the audience does not leave (where, for example, the bar is in the auditorium, and remains open for an hour after the performance has finished).

As with set-up, take-down will proceed more quickly if the house lights and stage work lamps remain on throughout.

Take-down can usually be completed in about 90 minutes (less if extra crew are involved). Please allow for this in arranging load-out and lock-up times.

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